Would you like to bring Happiness And Evil or the Happiness Habit to your group or organization? We want to talk with you!
We offer a wide variety of entertaining, educational programs tailored to your needs and situation.
Contact Michele Moore and Happiness Habit*
Verizon Blackberry Cellphone: 404-934-1755* or 404-266-2733*
Email - Info at HappinessHabit.com*
(add the @ and omit the spaces!)
And - MicheleMooreHappy1 at GMail.com
(add the @ and omit the spaces!)
Contact Update - http://HappinessHabit.TypePad.com/Contact
New York Mailing address:
Michele Moore - NYC Temporary
P.O. Box 1084
New York, New York 10113-1084
When I'm in New York City my white Ford Happiness van is usually parked between 6th and 8th Avenues on or around 16th Street.
Please bear with us until we triumph over these criminal activities!Wishing you great happiness,
Michele Moore and the
Happiness Habit Team